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We’ve often said that the difference between process troubleshooting and process control is that troubleshooting looks back to figure out what happened.  Process control looks forward.  Process control means setting a goal and working towards that goal.

Looking forward gives us tools to manage the present.  It provides a roadmap to reach our goals in the most efficient, cost-effective way.  Indigo Water Group staff have assisted utilities of all sizes — from 4500 gpd up to 42,000,000 gpd — with planning projects.  Indigo Water Group is experienced in Utility Planning, Master Planning, Collection System Modeling, Biological Process Modeling with Biowin, and navigating the regulatory process.

To learn more about our planning services, click on the buttons to the left for information on Utility Planning, Process and Collection System Modeling, and Regulatory Assistance.


We recently completed a Utility Plan for Wild Basin Lodge, an event center located south of Estes Park.  The Lodge needed to evaluate a failing septic system and find a cost effective alternative.  We recommended an Advantex filter for its low visual impact, low cost, and high level of treatment.  Our staff also developed utility plans for the City of Brush, Clifton Sanitation District, the Town of Carbondale, the Town of Erie, and the City of Victor.